Flight Frenzy Fantasy

Saturday 06/23/12

 Good Day Loves!

Since Singapore Airlines deserved its own post (before I even looked up how awesome they were AFTER my flight), this is for all the frenzies I experienced while flying.

  1. Met this bright young African-American young man on the plane. (He sat in travel mate’s seat who was sitting in my seat.) It was refreshing to hear about his goals and ambitions at such a young age. (Well not really young but he had a clearer vision than most of the 25yr olds I know). He was a senior in high school traveling to Bangkok to complete his high school volunteer hour’s requirement. If you did not know, Florida high school students are required to complete “X” amount of volunteer hours in addition to regular grades in order to receive their high school diploma. I do not remember the company he was volunteering for and forgot to ask what he wanted to be when he “grew up,” but I did stress him to try to become fluent in at least one language.
  2. My flight from the U.S. -> Germany -> Singapore -> Malaysia was over 24 hours!!!  We stopped in Frankfort, Germany to refuel and drop off/pick up passengers but because it was not an actual layover, we walked off the plane for it to be cleaned in about 30 minutes and re-boarded. I was in a German airport and could not “seal the deal” with a passport stamp running out of customs and then back to the departing gate since I had less than an hour. It would have been nice to say I actually “visited” a country in Europe and to two other continents than North America.
  3. Speaking of continents, we were talking about how Americans (U.S.A.) always say they are from “America” when asked their nationality. This includes when we are in countries in Central and South America (as if they are not “Americans” too). So I came up with a solution: North America is Namerica; Central America is Camerica; and South America is Samerica. So that makes us Namericans, Camericans and Samericans when asked for our nationalities. (Well it sounded cool when I said it out loud at the airport. Could have been the sleep talking).
  4. As I was socializing with fellow travel mates (Rule # 5 part B), I was secretly teasing the education students that they have “real” school work while the public health students are basically “tourists” during this trip. With the exception of a reflection paper and maybe a presentation, we were sightseeing. Well that was until I was slapped in the face with an intense syllabus for public health.  A) Keep a daily journal about how what we learned that day was relevant to public health ; B) write a 2500 word essay on your topic following the American Medical Association Manual of Style; C) partner with a Malaysian student for collaborated presentations; D) all while being required to be at “xyz” place during “zyx” time. I didn’t even pack a notepad to write on let alone a laptop. Well that is what I get for teasing. Haha
  5. In order to enjoy some sort of relaxation before I return to the U.S., since I will not be relaxing in Malaysia, I tried to get as much as I possibly could from Singapore Airlines. A) I listened to Best of Lang Lang album while writing blog/journal entries. B) Recorded videos while on the plan for the blog. C) Learned some basic French, Bahasa Malay, and refreshed my Japanese. (I am sure I will forget it all). D) Watched 2 episodes of Suits and 4 movies (which I highly recommend):  Amelie & Intouchables (Untouchables in the U.S.) [both which are French]; Ace Attorney [Japanese Live Action Anime]; and A Separation (Oscar winning) [Iranian title: Jodaeiye Nader az Simin]. A Separation was THE PERFECT movie to watch prior to landing in Malaysia. (Watch the trailers at the bottom)
  6. The most important frenzy by far was learning something new about me. Well more like recognizing the truth about myself anyway. I am severely critical about food while I am in the U.S. When I am outside of Namerica (you remember what that refers to? Haha), I truly release all my inhibitions and just be. An example, growing up I was THE MOST PICKIEST EATER EVER! The only thing I would eat was dry food (no types of sauces or condiments other than grey gravy), buttered noodles, or rice. (My poor family, I put them through a lot… well not really). I started eating spaghetti & BBQ sauce around age 10 and salad dressing around 18 (but only Cesar). Eating anything else was pure torture (yuck!). Funny thing happens as soon as I board a plane for an international trip… I EAT EVERYTHING without questioning it. Or at least try it once to see if I truly do not like it. I clear my mind and embrace experiencing new things while traveling to new cultures. So far, I have eaten things I would not even dare to think about touching while in the U.S.: brie cheese (so delicious!), Greek salad (it was different but not nasty), and gouda cheese (well it was expired so I did not actually eat it. Singapore Air has lot a cool point from me). Basically, if it is served to me without any of my input, then I will eat it. If I have a choice in my meal, then I will be picky all over again.

What a flight!!
